6–7 February 2014 - Maison du Barreau, Paris France
A conference presented by the IBA Corporate and M&A Committee, supported by the IBA European Regional Forum

Topics will include:

• Current legal developments in European private M&A
• Use of SPVs in a low-tax jurisdiction in the context of cross-border M&A transactions: opportunities and risks
• Minority interests and control under competition rules
• Corporate governance issues in M&A deals, including executive compensation and conflicts of interest
• Distressed M&A – techniques and safeguards for interested buyers
• Multi-party arbitrations arising out of M&A transactions
• Technology driven M&A deals

Who should attend?
European and international lawyers, in-house counsel, investment bankers, accountants and specialists from mergers and acquisitions business involved in European M&A.

Click here to register online now

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