9:00 - 9:15
9:00 - 9:15


Message from Charlie McCreevy - European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, EUROPEAN COMMISSION

KEYNOTE 1: Thomas Pütter – Chairman, Allianz Capital Partners  

KEYNOTE 2: Jean-Louis de Bernardy - President, AFIC  

9:15 - 10:05
Panel 1: Great Insights from private equity leaders

 What is the future landscape of Private Equity on a 10 year perspective?   
 Keeping the Management Portfolio active in a downturn
 Asset allocation best practices: are crisis years the best vintage? 
 Expectations, returns and allocations – Understanding today's challenges for investors 
 Long term investments perspective in France and Europe 
 Deploying cash without good leverage: pros and cons, solutions
 How do LPs best negotiate with Gps to improve terms and conditions ? 
 Diversification: now more than ever 

Wouter Moerel - Partner, Alpinvest

Filippo J. Cardini - Chief Operating Officer & Managing Director, TowerBrook Capital Partners

Thomas Pütter – Chairman, Allianz Capital Partners  

Bertrand Finet – Member of the Executive Board, Fonds Stratégique d'Investissement 

Pierre Etienne Lorenceau - Chief Executive Officer, Leaders League
10:05 - 10:55

Panel 2: 
Shopping Time: What Sectors and Regions ?  

 Emerging countries = emerging opportunities?
 Sector industry emerging from the crisis - New cash cows
 What are the businesses fostered by the crisis that will bloom in the “spring”? 
 Small & Mid Size deals
 How will the LPs manage their commitments and where will they look at in 2010
 Corporate Buyer VS Private Equity in a credit-poor economy
 Global vs Local GPs: Pros & Cons 
 Private Equity still out-performs most other asset classes

Monish Dutt - Chief Credit Officer for Global Financial Institutions & Private Equity Funds, International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group) 

Christopher Masek – Managing Partner, IK Investment Partners

Benjamin Revillon  Managing Partner, BEX Capital 

Julian Brown – Member of the Global Management Board for Corporate Finance & Head of Corporate Finance Spain, PricewaterhouseCoopers 

Jonathan Braude - Senior Writer, The Deal 
10:55 - 11:15  Networking Break
11:15 - 12:05
Panel 3: Industry structure change: Secondary Market Solutions

 Living in a Deleveraging World 

 New Secondaries Market Developments

 How LPs are using secondaries to shuffle their commitments 

 Are there enough deals for a generous number of buyers? 

 Structured transactions – the bridge between buyers and sellers 

 Secondaries: Returns boosted by current volatility?

 2009: The Year of the Secondaries

Timothy Weld - Vice President, Parish Capital 

Laura Shen Lefranc –  Founder & Partner, Headway Capital

Eric Pathé -
Investment Director, Greenpark Capital 

Valérie Handal
- Vice President, HarbourVest Partners 

Jonathan Braude - Senior Writer, The Deal 

12:05 - 13:45    Networking Lunch 
13:45 - 14:00


Monish Dutt -
 Chief Credit Officer for Global Financial Institutions & Private Equity Funds, International Finance Corporation - World Bank Group

14:00 - 14:50

Panel 4: Leveraged (Re) Finance 2009/2010

 Refinancing bank debt through the high yield bond market
 The corporate perspective: refinancing large acquisitions through spin-offs
 What are the alternative investment tools: mezzanine, corporate debt of the operating  company?
 The golden days for mezzanine or will high yield replace mezz ?
 Likelihood for bond market to take over a part of the loan market
 Apparent improvement of credit markets: here to stay? Relevant for Private Equity?
 Rescuing the business by the banking syndicate playing the role of the financial buyer ? Lenders have the power now, but how long will it last ?

Jean Bergeret - Head of Leveraged Finance Europe, BNP Paribas

Eric Meyer – Senior Banker & Head of Financial Sponsor, Societe Generale

Nathalie Savey – Head of Leveraged Loans, Axa IM  

Franck Duhamel - Partner, Park Square Capital 

Eric Cartier Millon – Partner, Gide Loyrette Nouel

Tim Polglase – Partner, Allen & Overy 

Pierre Etienne Lorenceau - Chief Executive Officer, Leaders League

14:50 - 15:40

Panel 5: Complex Deals and Valuation Discipline

 Creating Investments at Low Valuations 
 Valuation of distressed entities: is it worth investing in?
 The consistent valuation of an underlying portfolio
 New operations valuation 
 Financing large deals in the next 18 months 
 Transformational acquisitions: Corporate buyers VS Private Equity
 Secondary market valuation of funds and portfolios  

Chris Masterson - Chief Executive Officer, Montagu Private Equity

Louis Prothery - Director, Citigroup

Benjamin Kanovitch - Partner, Bredin Prat

Frederic Dubuisson -
Managing Director, Duff & Phelps

Pierre Etienne Lorenceau - Chief Executive Officer, Leaders League

15:40 - 15:55 Networking Break 
15:55 - 16:45

Panel 6: The new LP – GP Relationship 

 Winning the war for funding 
 New terms in fundraising allocation 
 Negotiating the extension of the funds lifetime VS a different cash call
 Transparency, trust and patience  
 Assessing past cycles and patterns in fundraising to forecast recovery rates
 Asset allocation winning moves in uncertain times 

Paul Newsome – Executive Director, Head of Private Equity, Unigestion 

Philippe Roesch - Head of Private Equity Europe & Managing Director, Auda International 

Charles Soulignac – Managing Partner, Fondinvest

Amanda Tonsgaard – Director, Capital Dynamics

Pierre Etienne Lorenceau - Chief Executive Officer, Leaders League

16:45 - 17:00


Etienne Paresys - Head of Research, Preqin  


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